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Politics doesn't have to be like this. It doesn’t have to be this bad!
Hon Clare O’Neil MP, Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security


I’ve come to believe that, given the plethora of very difficult issues that confront us as a nation, as a culture, as a people, our greatest problem is that we can no longer debate any of them reasonably and rationally and calmly ….. We have to do better. We owe it to our children and grandchildren.
You won’t get good public policy out of a bad, or a truncated, or a silenced discussion.
Hon John Anderson AC, former Deputy Prime Minister


The best way of discussing differences is not to start by discussing differences.
Prof Michael Ondaatje, Head of Humanities, Griffith University

The Braver Angels Way

(From the mission statement of Braver Angels, one of America's leading bridging organisations)

We state our views freely and fully, without fear.
We treat people who disagree with us with honesty, dignity and respect.
We welcome opportunities to engage those with whom we disagree.
We believe all of us have blind spots and none of us are not worth talking to.
We seek to disagree accurately, avoiding exaggeration and stereotypes.
We look for common ground where it exists and, if possible, find ways to work together.
We believe that, in disagreements, both sides share and learn.
In Braver Angels, neither side is teaching the other or giving feedback on how to think or say things differently.

The Brisbane Rule
(Written for the launch of The Brisbane Dialogues in 2020)

All participants agree to listen carefully, speak civilly, and concentrate on the content of discussions, not on characters – before, during and after, online and offline.

More to follow......... make suggestions or requests for inspiration or resources here.

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